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One stop gym stack!

Gym Training


  • Our #1 gym bundle
  • Pre | during | post
  • Pick your flavours
  • Vegan friendly
  • Made in the UK
Gym Training Gym Training Gym Training Gym Training Gym Training Gym Training Gym Training Gym Training Gym Training Gym Training Gym Training Gym Training
It's time to push for more...

Let's go next level in the gym or in your sport with our cost saving pre, during and post workout bundle. Boost + Focus (pre), Hydrate (during) and Protein (post), a winning combination.

A bundle designed for those hitting the gym and pushing for more. Boost + Focus to enhance your workout with research backed ingredients, Hydrate to maximise intra-workout performance, keep hydration optimal, and cramps at bay, and Protein for the post gym shake, and to add as needed to your diet to keep protein levels high. If you're ready to add Creatine into your stack, choose our Functional Fitness bundle. 

For individual product information, please see individual product pages.

In our effort to reduce plastic use, these products do not contain a scoop. You can purchase our sustainably sourced wooden Scoops for Lifewhich can be used with all our products.


See individual product pages for flavour information.

How to use

Awesome Protein: Shake pouch vigorously before first use. Add 1x 50ml scoop (30g) to 200-400ml of water or milk alternative. Add as needed to cooking and other recipes for your protein needs.

Awesome Hydrate: Add 1x 10ml scoop (8.3g) to 500-800ml ofwater. Take when training or playing sport, in hot conditions, or when sweating heavily. Can be consumed regularly throughout the day in hot conditions.

Awesome Boost: Take 1x 20ml scoop (16g) with 150-400ml of water 15-30 minutes pre-exercise, ideally taken with Awesome Focus.

Awesome Focus: Take 1-5 capsules 15-30 minutes before activity, depending on your body weight, tolerance level and need.

Nutrition information

For Awesome Protein ingredients and nutritional information click here.

For Awesome Hydrate ingredients and nutritional information click here.

For Awesome Boost ingredients and nutritional information click here.

For Awesome Focus ingredients and nutritional information click here.

more awesome with every rep